The awesome thing about waging this Coronavirus War is that the pinball machine has paused. Home had become something that was less and less relevant as we zipped around from activity to activity for ourselves and our children. Now we are having meals together and getting to know each other more. I am using the word we corporately. Our children are long since on to make their way in the world. I do love the additional discovery of each other time very much. Erin’s been rediscovering her sewing room and making head bands for a nursing home and face masks for many.
On a faith blog site that I created, there are a couple of pertinent posts that may be of interest. One is about how we are boning ourselves up to battle the virus biologically. I’ve worked out of our house for 27 years so as to be able to assist my wife with some challenging health situations. With that, she keeps up to date with all the alternative and mainline health options and had a list together for what she and I should be doing that I share, What we are doing to Battle Coronavirus. During those 27 years I developed some tools for working out of the house that I share, Tony’s Tips for Working from Home.
There is so much unknown during this time. I love and focus on the amazing pulling together and cooperation we are doing. Early on during this battle I was picking up some prescriptions and groceries and happened across an aisle with pinatas and had to get one. Penny the pinata landed on our Kitchen Table as part of a lively centerpiece to provide leavening. Also with the centerpiece is a bud vase with a rose which is standard fare at our house that we have been able to keep going through this Coronavirus Battle. For our fifth anniversary I bought a bud vase and committed to keeping it full. We’ve been married for 38 years and so there are a lot of roses that have come and gone. We are on our third vase now. I keep the ribbons which hang in my office.
I’ve also tried to keep the spirits up with daily exercise including playing hockey with our dog’s Chuckit ball and of course with the dog too. Of course faith and friends online is good. Thought you might enjoy some pictures from our home. Didn’t like the title home bound. Home sound sounds so much better. I pray you and yours make it through this situation safely. It is a formidable opponent and following the Coronavirus Task Force Guidelines , is good for you, yours, and all of us.
We will create our world again with your help and the Creators Care.
- Ribbons from 33 years of weekly anniversary roses
- Piano and door to office
- Lively centerpiece with Penny Pinata
- Centerpiece and Print Erin did in College that is like a trip up our road
- Hockey and Chuckit is Chuckey
- Sander’s Ledge looking towards Portsmouth
- Home
- Easter Sunrise over the Atlantic from Sander’s Ledge
- Rafferty on a Rosary Run with me